Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's All About the Tree

So here goes nothing...

I don't expect that anyone will ever actually read this thing. I know it sounds kind of, what's the point then? My spiritual director thought it would be a great idea, and I agree. I guess the point is that I have a lot on my mind, and I love to write. And sometimes the answers to puzzles come in pieces, but we can only put the pieces together if we can find them. So, I guess this is about putting my puzzle pieces in a safe that they will be there when I need them.

If anyone ever does read this thing, I'm sorry. Because I won't be too focused on spelling, grammar, or flow. This is just about saying things and getting them out there. Thinking (or writing) out loud so to speak.

When I had to choose a title for this blog, I didn't hesitate. I knew it had to be "Beneath the Tree". I have found God time and time again beneath a good tree. I have asked questions and searched for answers and pieced together puzzles beneath good trees. Something about the sturdiness of the trunk and the coverage and safety beneath it's limbs have always spoken to me about who God is. And I guess it would make sense that God would come to me in a tree. I mean, He came to the rescue of all humanity upon a tree. He reached out to the sinner Zaccheus beneath a tree. And He spoke to His mother and John, who were beneath the tree. God chose to solve the world's greatest problems through trees... and I guess it would make sense that He still does. So that's the plan. This will be my indoor tree. The place I come to think and write and pray and solve puzzles...especially when I can't make it out the real thing. And so begins a new(ish) journey "Beneath the Tree".

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